For a group of max 8. It takes about 1 ½ hours. People sit in a circle. I guide them through an Alignment and inner focus. Where there is dissonance or perhaps body pain/trauma, I stand up, tune into and then sing into each Beings masculine and feminine sides. We cleanse, Share the experience.
Onsdag 11. sept kl 18 – 20. Pris 750 kr.
Private Sessions: possible between 10 – 19 sept.
a) 2 hours long – where I teach the simple breathing and very simple tone technique and in the end I heal with my Voice with the same procedure as the Opera-Sound-Healing with much more detailed conversation and sharing. Pris 1750 kr.
b) 1 hour 30 min. ca. long – where I do the same as in the Opera-Sound-Healing session for the group but only for ONE – includes individual conversation and more detailed sharing. 1350 kr.
For book a private session: eller kontakt Hildur 45 66 21 18.
Startdato 11. september 2024
Starttid 18:00
Sluttid 20:00
Sted Sofiasenteret